- attorney
JUDr. Iveta Gálošová Bušová, DBA, LL.M.
- attorney
JUDr. Iveta Gálošová Bušová, DBA, LL.M.
JUDr. Iveta Gálošová Bušová, DBA, LL.M. has been a dedicated member of our law firm, KRNÁČ, KONČOK & Partners, since 2015. With 13 years of prior experience at the district court, she has developed extensive expertise in civil, commercial, administrative, labor, family, and criminal law, successfully passing the bar exam during her tenure. Her areas of specialization include the protection of personality rights, safeguarding the reputation of legal entities, compensation for damages, traffic law, economic competition, rights in commercial companies, and intellectual property rights. She brings valuable experience in representing clients in court disputes, including a range of complex and high-profile cases. Additionally, she also took part in the THEMIS conference in Paris, organized by the European Judicial Education Network (EJTN). As part of her DBA studies, she has also engaged in publishing activities.
Since 2018, she has been a member of the Rotary Club Žilina International, where she initially served as the YEO for cultural and educational programs focused on international youth exchange. She currently holds the position of club secretary and will serve as club president in the 2025-2026 term.
- 2018 – present – attorney
- 2015 – 2018 – senior lawyer, AK Krnáč
- 2003 – 2015 – legal clerk, Martin District Court
- 2021 – 2023 – Akademie Krizového řízení a managementu, s.r.o.
Department of Public Administration, academic title DBA - 2016 – 2018 – Veřejnosprávní vzdělávací institut o.p.s.
Department of Public Administration, Public Administration Management, academic title MBA - 2016 – 2018 – Veřejnosprávní vzdělávací institut o.p.s
Department of Public Administration, Public Administration Law, academic title LL.M. - 2004 – Faculty of Law of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
Field of study: Law, academic title JUDr. - 1998 – 2003 – Faculty of Law of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
Field of study: Law, academic title Mgr.
Language skills:
- Fúzie a akvizície
- Komplexné právne poradenstvo pri fúzii dvoch významných spoločností v oblasti výroby nealkoholických nápojov (Kofola – Minerálka), vrátane due diligence, prípravy fúznych zmlúv, zabezpečenia súladu s legislatívou a integračného plánu. Zastupovanie klientov v súdnych a správnych konaniach, riešenie pracovnoprávnych a daňových záležitostí, a podpora pri komunikácii s externými poradcami.